Happy New Year

Before starting my blog, I anticipated that I'd feel guilty if I didn't blog as regularly as I "should".   And I was correct, guilt has been gnawing away at me because I've not blogged, nor participated much with social media in the past couple of months.  My guilt is urging me to write the litany of excuses, but the simple fact is, I've been super busy, and to be honest, I'm just not very good at social media.  I think I'm pretty good at living life, but I'm not very good at documenting it.

I had a very profound moment a couple of months ago when I went to see Simple Minds in concert. Even though I was loaded with the cold, I was dancing up a storm and singing my heart out along with Jim Kerr and his crew.  Sadly it felt that I was one of only a few people losing themselves in the music.

When the first few notes of their mega hit, "Don't you forget about me" started, I was shocked at how stock-still the crowd was.  I actually panicked for a second, thinking something was wrong.  There was no excited, frenzied jumping up and down on hearing this iconic song live, instead the whole crowd stood so frozen as to prevent blurring their footage. Throughout the concert, it was a constant battle trying to see the stage over the sea of arms and smart phone screens.  

I felt sad watching so many people witnessing this amazing concert through their tiny screens and obsessing with their phones, rather than being in the moment and transported by the magic of a live concert.

This experience reminds me to give myself a "a get out of jail free card".  I may be justifying my lack of "social" communication, but as I write this, it's freeing for me to know that I spent so much time in the past two months being present and really enjoying my life.  I had an amazing time over the Holidays, celebrating with family and friends.  Suffice it to say, I partied, hosted, decorated, facilitated a fundraiser, made things, cooked, celebrated, and enjoyed it all tremendously.  

In between our celebrations, I'd been working hard on some new exciting artwork, preparing for my trip to the Atlanta Gift Show, from which I've just returned.  I am thrilled to share a few of the pictures I took of some of my new products whilst in Atlanta.  

I wish you all an amazing New Year filled with much love, joy and peace and have a happy guilt free day!

Much love,


Table Decorations
Paper Mache Candy Bowl with Hat Lid
I just love these cone shaped stripe candles that look like hats
Look at me proud as punch...